Thanks to the work of Kanteron Systems hardware development team lead by Engineer C. Villanueva, the integrated sensors for ARSOR version 2.0 are ready.
After full testing is undertaken at CHIP Hospital‘s Operating Rooms in Malaga (Spain), full production will go into effect before the end of the year.
According to the Commonwealth Fund‘s “The National Scorecard on U.S. Health System Performance, 2011” report.
Source: Frost & Sullivan
The international security and residential communications company Fermaxhas chosen Kanteron Systems to develop the new access control management software for their fingerprint reader and proximity sensor.
With this contract, Kanteron Systems shows once again the capacity of its programmers to meet development needs of the most demanding software, and opens a new business line in the competitive and challenging world of electronic security.
According to this articlein the American Journal of Roentgenography:
Complex breast imaging reports generated with ASR were associated with higher error rates than reports generated with conventional dictation transcription. The native language and the academic rank of the speaker did not have a strong influence on error rate.
More infoon why Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is still the worst option in Dalai‘s PACS Blog.
Kanteron Systems delivers a lecture in the Vascular Diagnostic Update Course held at the Polytechnic and University Hospital La Fe (Valencia – Spain), September 29 and 30, 2011, during the XIV National CDVNI-SEACV Congress.
Kanteron Systems introduces a ground-breaking new solution: HDI (Hospital Data Intelligence).