Kanteron Systems ranked in Top 50 for Web Traffic Rank Growth according to new ranking company SIGNL.
Rank: #9 of 2,436 Health Care Methodology: SIGNL’s algorithm analyzes millions of data points including web/mobile traffic, social buzz, company growth, and more to identify companies with the highest momentum.
Kanteron Systems, following the stellar presentation of TMIS at RSNAChicago, is experiencing incredible momentum with the anticipated new product developments introduced at HIMSSOrlando (Genomics + Pharmacogenomics + Activity and Sleep Trackers + Analytics) as third party vendor independent PACS-VNA-EMR add-on plug-ins.
Juan Tatay, Kanteron Systems‘ COO, and Mariano Collantes, co-founder of Uvat bio, were the panelist in today‘s VIII TEI Bio meeting “From beginning to growth”. Organized by InnDEA Valencia, through VIT Salud and Genera Biotech, the TEI Bio events try to foster knowledge transfer, entrepreneurship and investment in Biomedicine and Biotechnology.
Here is the full description by BIOVAL, and here is another chronicle published by VIT Salud.
Kanteron Systems ranked in Top 50 for Web Traffic Rank Growth according to new ranking company SIGNL.
Rank: #32 of 2,436 Health CareMethodology: SIGNL‘s algorithm analyzes millions of data points including web/mobile traffic, social buzz, company growth, and more to identify companies with the highest momentum.
Kanteron Systems, following the stellar presentation of TMIS at RSNAChicago, is experiencing incredible momentum with the anticipated new product developments to be introduced at HIMSSOrlando (hint: Genomics + Pharmacogenomics + Activity and Sleep Trackers + Analytics)
The Jury of the V Innovation Awards (Spanish newspaper El Mundo) has awarded Kanteron Systems the Award for Best Innovation of the Year 2013. Attending the ceremonywere: the President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Entrepreneurship Antonio Tajani, the Israeli Ambassador in Spain (who presented the award to Juan Tatay, Kanteron Systems CEO in Spain), Bankia‘s President and the President of the Valencian Government, among others. The event took place at the Red Sea auditorium in the Oceanographic in Valencia (Spain).
Any MBA student will agree that returning customers hold great economic value and much higher margins for any business. At Kanteron Systems, what we value the most about our returning customers is the validation that their new orders mean. When within days different customers, from CHIP to La Ribera Hospital, Fraternidad Muprespa, Monticello Imaging or EsSalud, request more products and services from us, we know we must be doing something right.
On Thursday, February 6 2014 at 16h, Kanteron Systems‘ Juan Tatay (Director) and Carlos Villanueva (R&D Engineer) will deliver the lecture “Precise diagnostics for personalized medicine: medical imaging and big data” at the Cajal Room, 1st floor, School of Medicine, University of Valencia (Spain) within the VI Biomedical Engineering Meetingof the Valencia University and Polytechnic University of Valencia‘s Official Interuniversity Master Degree in Biomedical Engineering. Other lectures will be delivered by Philips Research, Indra Sistemas and General Electric Healthcare amongst others.
A new generation of personalized implants has been designed to compete in time and costs with traditional manufacturing. The project, co-financed by CDTI has achieved excellent results in its initial phases and aims to be the definitive step towards personalized implants.
The consortium members are: Surgival, AMES, Biotechnology Institute, QuironHospital Group, Kanteron Systems (developing the imaging component); and the research institutes Biomedical Institute of Valencia (IBV), and Metalmechanic Technology Institute (AIMME).