Kanteron Systems Bioinformatics department, in collaboration with scientists from several institutions (like the Medical Genomics Visualization Group, The Siimple Open-Source Organization, INCLIVA Genomics and Diabetes Unit, Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Diseases CIBER, Institute for Integrative Systems Biology I2SysBio, Sequencing Multiplex, and the Open-source software for Computational Biology group at Cambridge University) will present a paper at the III Congress of Young Researchers in Biomedicine (Conbiopreval) to be held April 24th-26th 2019, at the Prince Felipe Research Center in Valencia, Spain.


Led by Dr. Pablo Marin, along other members of his team like bioinformatician David Gómez-Peregrina and mathematician Dr.(c) Josemi Juanes, the scientific paper to be presented at Conbiopreval will be: MGviz PMP: NGS-DNAseq analysis platform for Precision Medicine and Biomedical Research,a Precision Medicine and Biomedical Research platform specialized in NGS data management, analysis and visualization. It is specifically designed to speed-up the NGS analysis and the creation of clinical reports for both germline diseases and cancer. It is a highly interactive web-based platform with professional UX and visualizations which implements a flexible and dynamic catalog of NGS pipelines to process sequencing data from FASTQs to VCFs.

In Kanteron Systems we’re proud of the research and development work our Bioinformatics department is producing, in collaboration with other institutions, and in an open-science manner. This research is later converted, with the help of our Software Development department, into Precision Medicine solutions available to clinicians worldwide.

Great job, team!